
Expanded text Ads are comparable to the text ads you are accustomed to, with a few important modifications. There are three headline fields in ETAs. The first two fields are mandatory, while the third is […]

In the current measuring environment, organisations must navigate new obstacles to comprehend the multi-platform, complicated client experiences. All while putting user privacy first. Google Analytics 4 was developed two years ago to handle these growing

Google established a schedule for transitioning Smart Shopping and Local campaigns to Performance Max. After a launch event, Performance Max will quickly get to be the sole campaign type available to brands conducting Smart Shopping

One of the fundamental describing elements of ‘entrepreneurship’ is risk. If all startups, across all industries have one thing in common, it’s the founders had the willingness and ability to take risk. Whether that’s with

Are you running an E-commerce website and selling goods online? If the answer is yes, you’re probably familiar with Google Shopping. Google Shopping essentially allows users to search and navigate through products on online shopping

If you’ve worked in the area of Digital Marketing, chances are that you’ve come across the term ‘CRM software’. With all the Marketing jargon out there, CRM softwares have grown significantly over the past decade.

No conversation about Digital Marketing is complete without mentioning ‘Email Marketing’. With technological advancements over the past 10 years, many skeptics believe that email marketing is no longer relevant. Technologies like Artificial Intelligence, automation chatbots

If there’s one thing synonymous with all kinds of Marketing in the world, it’s the cardinal rule of: ‘Customer is king‘. The sole purpose of Marketing is to inform, persuade and convert prospects into leads,

Marketing is full of buzzwords. If you’ve spent some time looking at digital marketing content and companies, you’ll come across numerous marketing jargon and terminology. One such term is what’s known as a ‘Marketing Funnel’.

Since introducing its search engine back in 1996, tech giant Google has revolutionised the way we use the internet. The search for literally anything and receiving answers within seconds was made possible. Over the years,

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